David Morgan

Interests: Psychiatry, cognitive disorders, Alzheimer's research, family caregiving

David Morgan is a retired psychiatrist who specialized in cognitive disorders. After caring for his own father who suffered from Alzheimer's, David dedicated his post-retirement years to writing and sharing his knowledge on dementia care.

Articles By This Author

Safeguarding Memories: How to Create a Life Story Book for Someone with Dementia
Dementia Care and Support Living with Dementia

Safeguarding Memories: How to Create a Life Story Book for Someone with Dementia

Create a touching Life Story Book for loved ones with dementia using our guide. Learn to compile personal histories, digitize treasured photos, and select music that stirs memories. Get tips on interviewing family and making the book accessible. Join a community exploring multimedias power in memory preservation.

Early Detection: Understanding the Pseudo Dementia Diagnosis and How to Respond
Dementia Diagnosis and Tests Understanding Dementia

Early Detection: Understanding the Pseudo Dementia Diagnosis and How to Respond

Unravel the complexities of pseudo dementia with our in-depth guide. Learn the key differences from other dementias, recognize symptoms, and explore treatment options. Plus, take our quiz, see treatment comparisons, and get practical advice for care and management.

Fast Scale Dementia: An Efficient Tool in Dementia Diagnosis and Assessment
Dementia Diagnosis and Assessment Tools

Fast Scale Dementia: An Efficient Tool in Dementia Diagnosis and Assessment

Unlock dementia care insights with the FAST Scale—your guide to diagnosis, daily care, and adapting techniques for each stage. Engage with quizzes, videos, and expert advice to enhance your caregiving journey and prepare for end-of-life considerations. Join our community discussion for real-world support.

Role of Fast Score in Dementia: A Guide for Caregivers
Dementia Diagnosis and Assessment Tools

Role of Fast Score in Dementia: A Guide for Caregivers

Explore the crucial role of the FAST score in dementia care in our latest guide. Learn about the seven levels of the FAST score, how to interpret changes over time, and apply it in daily care routines. Real-life scenarios and comparisons with other assessment tools provide a comprehensive understanding. Test your knowledge with our interactive quiz and clear your doubts in our FAQ section. Empower your caregiving with this insightful tool.

Understanding Vascular Dementia: From ICD 10 Diagnosis to Daily Care
Understanding Dementia Dementia Types and Stages Dementia Diagnosis and Assessment Tools

Understanding Vascular Dementia: From ICD 10 Diagnosis to Daily Care

Unravel the complexities of Vascular Dementia, from its ICD 10 diagnosis to daily care routines. Understand its symptoms, grasp the seven stages and learn how to provide compassionate care. Our post concludes with uplifting insights on managing life with this condition.

Understanding the 7 Stages of Frontotemporal Dementia: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Dementia Dementia Types and Stages

Understanding the 7 Stages of Frontotemporal Dementia: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the intricacies of frontotemporal dementia through our comprehensive guide. Venture into its unique aspects, understand its 7-stage progression, and learn how to provide compassionate support. This post offers in-depth insights, from initial symptoms to the importance of hope and ongoing research.